Monday, January 30, 2012

home sweet home

It makes me sad every time I think about Disney World. I loved it so much and now it's gone. Very very sad.

Go watch this video and you'll see why!!


BUTTTTTT! I am so happy to be home!! I missed my family so much and and my roommates and my kitten and all my friends! Raptor is very happily back in The Asylum :) and our little family is all back to normal!! Phoebe is still cranky and Jackson is still a cuddly wuddly baby! Raptor is so freaking curious and sometimes it's really annoying! It's really great being around my best apartment friends again!! Our apartment is even more ballin' now than it was when I left, so that makes it even better! 

MY BROTHERS ARE SO COOL! And I guess that sister of mine is as well ;) but I missed their weirdness and how hilarious they are. My parents are cool too!! (Just throwing that out there so they don't feel left out, my mom is like 25% of the people that read this so I gotta get it out there!!)  

School sucks.

I have officially had the shortest job ever. Starting and quitting all in the same day is a pretty decent accomplishment if I do say so myself! Nothing compares to the awesomeness of Disney World and I realized that I didn't really need the job anyway, so it was a smart decision in regards to focusing on school and making the goal of graduating on time a reality!  

I am 21 now (YEA BABY) but alcohol does nothing for my texting conversations. New rule, Amanda doesn't text under the influence. BAD IDEA. It wasn't too horrible of a situation, but I was insanely embarrassed about it and pretty sure I pushed someone away. Hopefully that's not true, but it may be. I am just not good at liking people and not telling them ALLLL about it (plus some) when I am drinking. I'm ridiculous. That's the only explanation I can think of for the craziness!!

Anywho...I'm almost positive I'm moving back home next year so I can save money instead of spending it on rent. It will be the better, more responsible decision in order to save as much money as I can before I venture out to the wilds of Orlando, Florida to live and work at Disney (hopefully).

ALSO, My bestest friend in the whole wide world, Megan, asked me to be her Maid of Honor!! WOO! I am beyond excited to share this with her! Love her so much and it's going to be an awesome experience :)

Meg and I in Brownies! Meant to be besties forever!! 

We have a moon in our living room. A moon that lights up and changes phases. With a moon man. The moon man is Ryan Reynolds. Bombdiggity. 

That is all.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out ...stop drinking ...yay for getting a job....yay for sticking up for yourself and quitting a crappy job that no doubt had many moments of horribleness in it...yay for being responsible ...and super yay for you being Megans Maiden of Honor. :)
