Monday, June 20, 2011

the purpose

I just now figured out what I will use this for!
DUH! I can't believe I didn't think of that in the first place!

I am super duper excited to have this opportunity. It seriously took me about 12 hours to decide that I was going to do it. I woke up in the morning and decided I was going to go to the meeting on campus. I went that night, signed up, had my phone interview 3 days later and a week after that, I got my confirmation that I had been accepted!! It is probably the most exciting thing that has happened to me, ever! Disney has been a part of my life since I was born and to have the chance to work in the most magical place in the world is just amazing. I am elated every time I think about it! So this is going to be the place where my family and friends can keep up with me on my awesome journey as a Disney Cast Member. Problem solved. No more secret blog :)
Get excited! I definitely am!

I'll see you guys in the Fall!

the beginning

Woohoo! First ever blog post! 

I'm sitting in Anatomy 2 right now. We're "learning" about the urinary system. Fascinating.

I sit here and I think of all the other things I could be doing right now. Sleeping, watching Friends, eating, reading, swimming, not caring about school. Disney better be worth it (of course it will) because I did not imagine my summer "vacation" this way at all. 
I suppose it has been really great so far, minus the school part. I am starting a lot of relationships up and building on my existing ones. My roommates and I are bonding a lot. Mostly Britta. We have had many a late night chat this summer. We end up talking about life for a pretty long while and it makes me really happy.
My brother Keegan turned 12 on Saturday. It is a miracle. He is so healthy and alive and I am so thankful that he made it this far. Here's to many more years of life for him!!
I don't really know what to do on this blog yet. It's kinda secret right now. Only my roomies know that I have it, and they don't even know how to find it. When I figure it out, I suppose I will open it to the public and go from there. I think it will probably just be a place where I ramble about my life and my favorite things (like frogs)

