Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Disney is awesome.
My roommates are awesome.
My apartment is awesome. (besides the bugs)
I'll write more when it's not 5 am!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

harder than i thought

All my friends are going back to Milledgeville today to start classes tomorrow. I thought this was going to be easy because I am going to Disney World next week, but I miss everyone so much and I just want to be in Milly right now. I just really want to be in 2 places at once. Too bad that can never happen :( Oh well. I guess I just feel like I'm missing out on things that I really want to be around for. I shouldn't think that because I know I will be making a ton of fun, new, awesome memories in Florida, but I can't help but feel this way right now. bleh.

On a higher note, my cousin got married yesterday!! The wedding was so beautiful and I am so excited to have a new cousin!! She is awesome and I can't wait to get to know her better! I hope I can be making some visits to Washington when I get some money! :) Love them so much!

Okie dokie, I should go now. Family is talking and I need to get ready to leave!


P.S. I didn't get into the Cohort. It sucks and I'm sad, but I'm getting over it. I only cried a little bit. It's also getting much easier to say the more I say it. Gotta figure out what I'm going to do next.

Monday, August 8, 2011


I want to be in Disney World right now. I have one bag totally packed, but I'm pretty sure I am going to open it up to see what's in there since I packed it so long ago. I am really anxiousnervousexcited about it all but I wish time would go faster so I could just be there!
Hmmm to be honest I don't know what else to write here.
I just want time to move faster so I can be at Disney!! Then time can slow down again so it doesn't fly by while I'm there!

Adios, let's hope these next 13 days go by very quickly (except for Wedding time this weekend!!)

P.S. Let me also say that I am SO NERVOUS to find out whether or not I made it into the Spring Nursing Cohort. Waiting for that is insane and if I could just know that now, my life would be so awesome! I would wait for Disney all over again if I could just know right now!! Waiting sucks...