Thursday, October 18, 2012

over think

I'm an over thinker. No doubt about that! But just when I'm in the depths of my brain obsessing over tiny little details like how long it takes someone to reply to my text message, something happens that brings me back to the surface and then I stop being crazy and move on with my life. Lol unfortunately this sad sad cycle happens all the time and I end up psyching myself out when I should really just enjoy myself and my conversations.

Also, butterflies in my tummy are really nice because I'm excited about new things happening, but I feel so super vulnerable whenever I get them. Probably because I always let people hurt me and I can't trust my own emotions anymore. I need to work on that! But hopefully that won't happen this time :) taking it slow and basking in the awesomeness of the giant kaleidoscope if butterflies fluttering around in my abdomen, even if it makes me a tiny bit uncomfortable! I can do this and not be a maniac about it.

In other news, Kailee is here in Georgia again! This is time number 3 since we've been friends/roomies. We are doing homework and nails and relaxing tomorrow and then the rest of the weekend is going to be unplanned and hopefully totally fun!

I've been hanging out with my friend Rachel from high school and college a lot lately and it's been really good for me I think. I'm in a much better mood most of the time and I'm not a miserable lump of human anymore so that is really good!! She is freaking awesome and her fiancé Alex is super cool as well! I'm hopefully going to see the movie Sinister with them and another friend next weekend! It should be super super fun :)

Someone is awake in my house and eating cereal. I'm assuming its my mom since she's the only one who does that in the middle of the night!

Sorry for the crazy randomness! It's late and I only got 4 hours of sleep last night and I've been spending all my good energy on over thinking and overanalyzing wayyyyyy too much lol time to stop doing that and start enjoying my life without my huge internal dramas!!

It's not like anyone reads this sucker anyway! It's almost like a diary online that someone could totally read if they want to, but they see how randomcrazyboring it is and just click next! Oh well! At least I have 5 followers (including myself) :))))

Anyways, goodnight world!
