Sunday, July 31, 2011

let's get crafty!

I have been obsessed with craftgawker lately. I just want to make awesome easy things all the time now! There are so many DIY projects that are super easy and super cool. I will be a crafty person. Eventually.

I packed up my room last weekend and I have been living out of a suitcase in my own apartment for the past week. My subleaser, Maggie, moved in on Wednesday night! She seems like a good fit for our apartment while I'm gone. My furniture is in a different apartment being rented out by an international student named Ana! I am hopefully going to help her get all my furniture arranged and settled into her room tomorrow night. I can't wait to meet her! I feel like going to Disney has already given me a couple of good friends and I haven't even left yet!

This week is going to suck so much. Let me show you all I am doing this week...
Monday: Lab Final, 1 tooth filling filled.
Tuesday: nothing! (Thank you Jesus, for giving me one day this week!!)
Wednesday: Lecture Final, DONE WITH PRE-NURSING MAJOR, dinner and hanging out with Sarah!!
Thursday: 4 teeth fillings filled
Friday: Wisdom teeth removed, going home for August, taking the cats with me. Luckily I have an apartment full of awesome roomies and a mom who will pack all my junk into the car while I am indisposed due to major amounts of pain killers and the last effects of laughing gas!!
It's like the week of the dentist. Ewww.

Back to crafts, that's much more exciting than my teeth. I am hopefully going to get into the Spring Cohort for Nursing, that will be awesome because then I can stay in Milly and find a place to rent that doesn't suck. Never live in College Station. It's cheap but it's really cheap, you know? We found a really nice neighborhood here and Tori is going to be on the lookout while I'm gone! Anyways, once we find a different place to live, I hope I will be able to paint my walls and make the room my own. I want to paint all my furniture black, or purple, or a combination of the two. I want to make a bunch of awesome things that I can hang up and use to make my room look nice!

My cousin is getting MARRIED on August 13th!! Wow! It's so exciting! I bought my dress for the occasion yesterday. I bought two dresses actually, but I didn't buy shoes, so that's how I'm rationalizing that purchase! I also bought thirty dollars worth of soap, candles, and hand sanitizer from Bath and Body Works. They were having a sale and I couldn't resist! It's so typical of me to buy extra stuff when I go shopping. I need to stop this habit now!!

There are only 22 more days until I leave for Florida!! I'm driving down on the 21st and staying the night in a hotel. Check in is from 6-12 on the 22nd and I guarantee you I will not be there at 6. Way too early for me! My roommate and I have been talking a bit and we seem to have a lot in common and we want the same things for our apartment, which is really good!! This match is definitely something that God put together and I am so happy about it! It was such a random thing and it happened so fast and it's turning out to be a great thing, so far! I can't wait to meet her!

Well, I think I'm going to be done with this now. I have an exam tomorrow so I better get back to studying!!



I am appalled with myself that I haven't seen the Winnie the Pooh movie yet. What kind of fan am I?? You wouldn't even know I was if it weren't for the years of devotion, every Winnie the Pooh tape in my memory, the huge Pooh stuffed animal in my possession (sort of, he stays at my Dad's house in Colorado, but that's beside the point), and the Complete Works of Winnie the Pooh and the Hundred Acre Wood sitting in one of my boxes right now.
Shame on me. I better fix this soon!

Also, here are some photos from Harry Potter premiere night!!

Woohoo we win with our homemade shirts!! :) 

Thursday, July 14, 2011

harry potter

is over.

What am I going to do with my life now.

I cried throughout the whole movie, and at one point held Nina's hand because it was so stressful for us.

I can't believe it's over. 



Wednesday, July 13, 2011

is the day ever going to arrive...

I have 39 more days until I check in at Disney. I hate waiting. Why can't it just be August 22 right now so I can be in the happiest place on earth!?

I found my roommate a couple weeks ago :) Her name is Kailee and she seems really awesome just by the look of her Facebook! She went to the T Swift concert where Needtobreathe (one of my favorite bands EVER) opened. I was totally jealous, not gonna lie. I can't wait to meet her and so many other people that I have gotten to be Facebook friends with! It is going to be an awesome experience!

We got a kitten the other day! My roommate, Nina, and I found him while we were on a walk and we brought him home. Tori claimed him and his name is Jackson Polluck. He's a cute little guy. He loves to play with Raptor and Raptor actually likes him now (I think he's mostly just excited that a cat finally likes him!).

So cute with his little tail wrapped around himself!

I passed the US History test this week! I only studied the night before and apparently that was enough! Thank you Mr. Fuller for that 11th grade US History class. You must have actually taught me something! This is a really good thing because I have been stressing lately over things falling into place. I start going into "what-ifs" and that is a really bad thing! "What if I fail this test and it ends up making me stay in school for an extra year instead of one semester?" We don't need to go there. Things will work out the way they are going to work out. I just need to follow God's plan and I'm all good!

NURSING COHORT! I am applying for the nursing cohort at my college this weekend. I am also going to be applying for other schools as backup just in case. This is so crazy! I thought the time would never get here and now here it is, jumping on my heels screaming, "Let's do this now!" I'm not sure if I'm ready but I'm going to have to be.

I can't wait for Disney.

Just thought I'd throw that out there again.

Harry Potter 7 Part 2 premieres tonight. I got my midnight tickets for Nina and I and tomorrow I am making t-shirts so we don't look like lame-o's with no Harry Potter stuff. This is such an exciting but sad time! It's like my childhood is coming to an end for real, but I am so ready for it to come, but I'm still sad about it because it's the end! sigh...

Anyways, I suppose that's it for now! I really need to get some sleep before I take this exam tomorrow. Microbiology is not a laughing matter, and I hope it won't be laughing at me because I do so badly on this test. Let's pray I do well! This is another one of those "what-if" moments that I should be avoiding, but it just keeps popping up in the back of my head!

I can't wait for Disney! 39 days.


P.S. The new kitten twitches in his sleep too :)